What I Learned from my Dad about Facing Fear: How to Let Your Values Guide the Way

There has never been a time when fear has been at the forefront of a decision that it’s turned out to be a good one. One of my favorite coaching questions is:

“What would it look like if fear were not in the way?”


My dad went to the Colorado School of Mines with a degree in geophysical engineering. He subsequently had a thriving career in the oil and gas industry. As the oil and gas industry started to decline, he had the foresight to realize a career shift was needed. He didn’t stay stuck. At the time, I didn’t appreciate these hard choices he was making. I remember watching as he was self-studied software development. He later landed a software engineer role at NASA in the late ‘90s at the age of 60.  He never let fear stand in the way of achieving his goals. He didn’t stay stuck.

When I have tough decisions to make, I look at what key factors a need to be considered for the decision to be made. How are these factors aligned with my core values?

When I wrote the blog three years ago, Getting You and Your Business to the Top of the Game, I wrote about my own journey with career transition. I can see now how interwoven my core values were in these decisions.

Our values can serve as an anchor during times of uncertainty. When our actions are not aligned with our values it doesn’t feel good. We might say “this doesn’t feel right” or “this behavior isn’t me”, which is an indicator that our actions don’t reflect our core values. Something for us to really pay attention to during times of change or uncertainty.

Your values can be a source of strength when you are aware of them especially during times of great change and uncertainty. I usually work with my clients on a values exercise that helps them to identify their core values. Do you know your values? Here is a great values tool from Think2 Perform® if you’d like to explore your own core values.

Melanie is a frequently requested speaker and  Founder & CEO of Radical Ignition, Inc., an executive coaching and training firm. She is also the VP of People of HaptX, Inc. 

In her 25-year career, Melanie has developed a passion for unleashing human potential and creating pathways for people to be their best. Melanie’s successful track record having worked across hundreds of technology organizations in her consulting career gives her a great perspective as a speaker, facilitator, leadership coach and consultant. 

If you are interested in our executive coaching or workshops, please reach out at info@radicaligniton.com.

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