Photo of a business coach and mentee

Radical Ignition® Executive and Team Coaching

“What you ignite in others must first burn inside yourself.”
Charlotte Bronté

Unlock the full potential of your leaders.

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, having effective leaders who can navigate challenges and inspire their teams is crucial.  Our executive coaching program provides a transformative opportunity for leaders to enhance their skills, broaden their perspectives, and unleash their untapped potential. Through personalized guidance and feedback, executive coaching empowers leaders to identify and overcome obstacles, develop strategic thinking, improve communication skills, and cultivate a growth mindset.

The result? Empowered leaders who drive innovation, foster a positive work culture, and achieve sustainable success for your organization. Invest in executive coaching and witness the remarkable impact it can have on your leaders and the entire organization.

Executive Coaching Methodology

Our goal-focused methodology helps to identify any impediments to the progress of your leaders. We utilize 360 degree feedback process for actionable insights that will increase leadership capability and self-awareness. Through deep exploration, we help leaders to identify obstacles, build awareness, and build new behaviors.

Our process is goal and metric-based, and we want leaders to see evidence of change, which will impact your organization and team.

Our coaches partner with you in three primary areas:

  • Understand the needs of your business
  • Develop new leadership capabilities and behaviors
  • Improve team dynamics and communication

Whether a first-time leader or a seasoned executive, our coaches can help leaders achieve their goals.

Stakeholder feedback is a powerful way to provide the coachee or team meaningful and actionable feedback to increase leadership capability, discover blind spots, self-awareness, and interpersonal effectiveness. We collect stakeholder feedback in a number of different ways including using assessment tools and stakeholder interviews. Our coaches are certified in dozes of assessment tools.

We use The Leadership Circle Profile® for 360 Degree Feedback. The Leadership Circle Profile measures eighteen Leadership Competencies and are tied to business performance. These competencies have been well researched and shown to be the most critical behaviors and skill sets for leaders.

Team Coaching and Alignment

Elevate your  team to new heights with our specialized Team Coaching program. As the collective driving force behind your organization’s success, it is crucial for your team to operate at their highest potential. Our tailored coaching approach focuses on enhancing collaboration, communication, and alignment within the team, enabling them to achieve exceptional results together. Through facilitated discussions, skill-building exercises, and targeted interventions, our expert coaches guide your executive team in addressing challenges, strengthening their relationships, and fostering a shared vision. With executive team coaching, you can cultivate a high-performing, cohesive leadership team that drives strategic initiatives, navigates complex dynamics, and leads your organization to sustained growth and success. Invest in the power of executive team coaching and witness the transformative impact it can have on your team’s effectiveness and organizational outcomes.

Team Coaching Methodology

Our coaches follow David Clutterbuck’s Methodology of Team Coaching. Our program is focused on team dynamics as the building blocks of the system within the organization. By improving relationships within the system, the overall performance and effectiveness can be enhanced, ultimately leading to a more productive, inclusive and engaged culture where people feel they can belong.

Based on the assessment and the team’s goals, we design interventions that focus on improving relationships, processes, and business outcomes. Areas addressed may include team purpose, role clarity, communications, building leadership capability, decision making, conflict and trust.

Through an assessment, we understand the team’s current dynamics, strengths, limitations, and opportunities for growth. This assessment may involve interviews, observations, and data gathering. Assessment recommendation options: PERILL, Leadership Circle Profile® and Collective Leadership Assessment®, Thomas PPA Teams, MBTI, 5 Dysfunctions of a Team Assessment, Thomas Killman, Positive Intelligence.

Melanie did an excellent job of helping to identify and fix those blind spots that many of us have. She used stakeholder interviews and an EQ assessment to pinpoint short- and long-term opportunities for growth.

– BRETT ERRECA, Prior Chief Operating Officer, DESTINATION PET, LLC –



Whether your team lacks trust and communication, or could just use a little more cohesion, we’re here to help align your organization. We’re passionate about helping to define their your team goals, build commitment, and gain clarity.


  • Team assessment
  • Understand how to play to the team’s strengths
  • Identify team limitations
  • Create development plans

RADICAL Ignition® Leadership Collaborative

  • Pre-workshop and post-workshop exercises
  • Identify team culture
  • Develop relationship management strategies
  • Clarify vision
  • Establish a strategic goal
  • Build trust
  • Collaborate as a team

I hugely appreciated my Coach. Being able to take time to go beyond what I was hoping to improve on, and dig into the root of the issues was immensely helpful for me. I was able to reflect on why I struggle in certain areas and then apply the tools my coach gave me to change my narrative and turn down the volume of my inner critic. My coach provided the exact right balance of reflection, conversation and applicable resources to my program and I left feeling very motivated to continue on the path she and I set together.

– Leadership Coaching Client –

I was a little uneasy about coaching, as I had never worked with a coach before. My coach’s tough questions helped me to build confidence and improved clarity in direction.

– Executive Coaching Client –
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Radical Values Exercise

Coaching Tool
Our values can serve as an anchor and source of strength when you are aware of them especially during times of change. Use our tool to discover your core values.

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How I Want to be Coached

Leadership Coaching Tool
Clarify your needs and expectations with direct reports! The more clarity and alignment you have within your working relationships, the better your chances for a productive and enjoyable experience that flourishes.

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